Golf and Dinner - $150 per person
Includes goody bag, range balls, golf, cart, lunch at the turn, hole in one contest, buffet dinner, auction, fun and laughs. |
Dinner Only - $45 per person
This is more than just dinner. Dinner guests are also invited to participate in the silent auction, ticket drops, raffle and mystery wine table. |
Donate Only
Shane's Foundation, NFP is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization dedicated to child safety. |
Platinum Sponsor - $1,200
Foursome of golf with cart, sign with name on tee, listed in dinner program, exclusive logo item in goody bag that we supply, your logo with link on our website, featured in dinner slideshow, and premium golf gift for each golfer in your foursome.
Foursome of golf with cart, sign with name on tee, listed in dinner program, exclusive logo item in goody bag that we supply, your logo with link on our website, featured in dinner slideshow, and premium golf gift for each golfer in your foursome.
Gold Sponsor - $600
Premium logo item in goody bag that we supply, sign with name on tee, listed in dinner program, your logo with link on our website, recognition in dinner slideshow.
Premium logo item in goody bag that we supply, sign with name on tee, listed in dinner program, your logo with link on our website, recognition in dinner slideshow.
Silver Sponsor - $300
Standard logo item in goody bag that we supply, listed in dinner program, your logo with link on our website, recognition in dinner slideshow.
Standard logo item in goody bag that we supply, listed in dinner program, your logo with link on our website, recognition in dinner slideshow.
Emerald Sponsor - $125
Sign with name on tee, you supply coupon or logo item for goody bag and listed in dinner program.
Sign with name on tee, you supply coupon or logo item for goody bag and listed in dinner program.